lunes, 30 de enero de 2017

Session 5 30/01/17

Session 5 

This week we´ve been concentrated in how to make questions, and we have been focused on reading comprehension, even more with articles or that kind of readings where you need to be fast and identify clue words. The best part of this is that i can learn better ways to answer, new vocabulary and even how to improve a natural conversation with some information. 

Session 4

Session 4 

Last week i´ve learned about the correct way to do questions, the differences for doing sentences with past simple, past participle, present continous, etc. And i think that at least for me this is somenthing very useful, even more because i haven´t learned about that ever, but at the same time is kind difficult because of the same reason. Maybe the most difficult thing is how to create good questions taking the info of one piece of paper, maybe for me is difficult because i´m still learning about the use of some adjectives and auxiliar verbs, etc. 

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2017

Entrance 3: Past simple and past continous

As we can imagine, there are some differences between past continous and past simple. 
The past simple is used to describe an action that is already finished and it´s no progressing, also,  is formed using was/were + past participle
The past continous is different because in this one we describe ac action that ocurred in the past but is still happening, It uses was or were + verb-ing . In the verbs we need to add an "ed" at the end (to the regular verbs) and for the irregular verbs are not a "exact rule" to follow and they can change mostly.

We can see some examples here:

Past Simple: 

You called Debbie.
She washed her car.
Last year, I traveled to Japan.

Past Continous:

was watching television when he arrived.
 While I was eating, the telephone rang
They visited Sydney when they were traveling in Australia.

Entrance 3 class: 18/01/17

Itzel S. Curiel Osorio 

Entrance 3 

1. What i look for in a job is... 

First of all, i like that jobs where you need to keep up with times and innovate to create new and better things, also where you need capacity for leadearing and make some choices for your team work. I love to work in a place where the adventure and fun are the industry´s bread and butter.

2. This is an example of how can i use new words:

When i was working in International Office, i constantly had chats with people from other countries because i had to teach them how to use blackboard. 

There are alot of new eco-friendly companies that are spreading the old ones to keep up with times and innovate in the creation and administration of their corporations. 

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2017

Entrance 2 12/01/17

1. What i have to remember about the use of present simple and continous is...

I need to remember that in present, if we use the verb to be the adverb goes in second term, in the other hand, present continous can be used to describe actions that are happening in this moment or to say something you decided to do and you won´t change your oppinion.

martes, 10 de enero de 2017

SESSION 1 09/Jan/17



1. What questions do i still have about this course? 

I´m interested in knowing how we will become a persons with the interest and the love to learn english well and never give up when the things get tough. And also i wanna know how can i get better BULLATS test preparation 

2. What i will do to become a lifelong learner is... 

I really love languages so i´m excited about this new (for me) way to learn english and also some other languages as well. I wanna be prepared for the time when i graduate.