lunes, 13 de febrero de 2017

Session 9

Session 9

Last class we talked about the publicity and how does some of the biggest companies in the world work with their staff. Some companies, like Pandora, has a really good relation between managers and staff, even better with their clients; compared with H&M that is a not really good enterprise, instead of, if you a re an employee of this company and you get pregnant you not just lose the job, they also cancel the contract and if you come back they give you a new one.

I also learned new vocabulary like outsoucing and off shoring and i think is really usefull for my career. 

jueves, 2 de febrero de 2017

Session 8: 02/02/17

Session 8 

Today we did some excercises using the topic of yesterday (Passive and active voice) and we practiced using a "memorandum" of some phrases that famous people said. We also had a test so today i learned new ways to use the passive and active voice. 

Session 7 01/02/17

Session 7 

Today we talked about the passive voice and the active voice. what i understood about it was that in the passive voice you make sentences usin the form: Object+ verb to be + the verb in past participle + the complement, and its used when the event is more important than the person who say it. 
And in the active voice is exactly the same but you the person or the object is more important than the event.

We also do some excersices using all the tenses that we already learned like simple present, simple past, future (will) and present perfect.

We did some excercises using the book and i learned some new words so my vocabulary is a little more complete.