martes, 28 de marzo de 2017

Entry 4: KAIZEN

Compare yourself at 2 different points of the course: January 2017, March 2017, in that comparison, identify achievements and progress and also identify any weak areas that you would like to improve.

  • Very low comprehension about cloze excercises
  • Not good grades
  • Good in listening but not compromised with the school in general
  • My weakest  area always has been grammar
  • I though that if i continued doing the way that i was doing during this moth, i wont be able to pass bulats test and by consequence, the course.

  • Compared to January, i have become better in listening, specially at long audois which stressed me before.
  • In the second partial i´ve been doing very well in almost every assesment and that makes me proud of myself because i know that i can do it, i just needed motivation and my teacher gave me the motivation i needed. 
  • Grammar is my still weakness, but, i also has improved in some new methods that give me more practice and makes me understand and memorize better than i did during the second partial.
  • I would like to improve in grammar, specially in cloze excercises and in those ones where you need to writte in the correct form the ajective and the adverb, or the verb and the noun, etc. 
  • I also would like to improve in my vocabulary because during this course i´ve learned an extensive vocabulary that i will use at my work and also it will going to help when i´m negotiating with an importer in another country or for fill the motions of exports.


sábado, 25 de marzo de 2017

Entry 3: Strategies to tackle cloze exercises

1. What I still find difficult

I think the most difficult thing is to understand what the text is talking about, because sometimes i imagine that it is talking about something because of the meaning that i gave it to it and also because if the words that i completed with, but, instead of that, the text is talking about something different.

2. What I have noticed to answer them successfully

I have noticed that i need to read the text like if i was the one who is writting it, and also y imagine that i´m reading the text out loud and i think it is working. 

3. The mistakes I still make

As i said in the first question, i´m not good enough to always understand what the text is talking about or sometimes i confuse the meaning of some words.

4. How much independent practice I do

Since the second partial started, i have been doing even more excercises than during the first partial and reading articles about cience or business and i try to identify the prepositions and linking words.

5. What I still don´t know

I still don´t know how to identify what kind of words are missed in the text, for example, if they are verbs, adjectives, linking words, etc.


jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017

Extra Entry: Cultural shock

Cultural Shock

Last class we were talking about the differences between cultures, some things that mean something for us, in China, for example, mean something completely different. Besides, i also practiced my reading comprehension and the ability to look for clue words and scan large readings.

I discovered that at the time that i became a better reader, i also increased my comprehension, and not just with lectures.

I also knew new vocabulary words and how to make better sentences that sound more natural.

I think this vocabulary and the things that i learned will help me in the future making me more conscient about what i need to know at the time i want to make business or just to make a trip to different countries.

martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

Entry 1: Forms of future

Future forms

This class we learned about forms of future and we did some excercises that helped me to understand better how this forms are used and in which cases we use each one.

Will: is used for predictions or decisions in the moment of speaking
Present continous: Is used to make arrangements
Going to: Is used for decisions made before speaking 

                                                              * For exaple:

An importat year for me WILL be 2018 because i will move to China for work. 
I´m having a meeting at 4 pm.
Tomorrow morning i´m going to visit my grandmother.

I think this forms will be very useful to me when i have to make an arrangement with important people or just to make my agenda.

lunes, 6 de marzo de 2017

Entry 2: Business Email

Business Email

In our last classes, we were learning about the form to write a business email. In this class i learned new vocabulary like "health centre" and "business centre". In spite of i learned new words, i also have mistakes whith writing because sometimes i confuse the meaning of some linking words. 
I really liked this topic because it makes me be more efficient for redacting important documents. 
       * Some important things thatt a business email has to have, are:

  • write propperly
  • the important use of time
  • appropiate layout 
  • the body be clear with relevant information
  • correct use of linking words
  • etc

Also, we learned how to difference between a formal email and an informal email.
for example, in formal email we would write:

Dear Sam,

I would be grateful if you could send me a short progress report on the data management project.

Informal way:

Hi Sam,

Please could yoou send me a short progress report with the data management project?

Second Partial. Extra Entry: Grammar conclusions

Grammar Conclusions  

This last class we were learning about grammar conclusions, and practiced about how to use present continous for fixed arguments.
I learned the formula for make correct sentences, that is: Person or subject+to be+verb in ing+ complement. 
In specific i understood how to use "to have", "to give" and "to fly".

For example:

she wants TO HAVE lunch
I want TO GIVE a demostration
He needs TO FLY back to London

Also, i learned that are some specific words or activities that use "to do" and others that use "To make", and i´m practicing on them because sometimes i don´t know in which cases we use do and when we use do.